Monday, April 14, 2008

Second meeting and other ideas

Can everyone meet like we did last week? Library at 1 p.m.

I had a couple of ideas for the map and also for the documentation portion of the final project.

The five of us in the 303 class can each pick one of the events from the map like Baldwin suggested in class on Tuesday. For each event, the person will write personal accounts, etc. like he said. I was interested in picking the library looting event. I think Kristen expressed interest in the truck bombing event on 705. I was also thinking that along with the map that we work on, we could use various photos we have and photoshop them to complement the personal accounts and reports.

The other idea I had for the documentation was pretending that the Wise library had been looted of valuable Appalachian resources, and we could either hold a sign protesting the authorities' lack of action or ask students to sign a petition as they go in the library. (This is meant to parallel the looting of valuable ancient manuscripts that took place at the International library in Baghdad.) Someone could videotape and take pictures while we do this. I figure this would be easy enough and would only take as long as we need on video.

What do you guys think? Do you have other documentation ideas?


Liz said...

I like the second idea the best...I think a video would be really interesting, and also the easiest way to document a protest/petition signing. We could take photos, as well.
I'm fine with meeting tomorrow at 1.

JHudak said...

1:00 sounds fine.