Thursday, April 24, 2008

To clarify

First off, I want to apologize if my last post seemed hostile or disrespectful, for I was not intending to sound like that at all. (But after a later read I realized it may have come off that way.) Also, to clear up, when I said "we" in my previous post, I was referring to Liz, our professor, and myself. And, to be honest, I was rather bothered by the fact that in Rachel's comment back, she said that your whole group doesn't think we contribute ideas, when we have posted our ideas on this blog (like we were supposed to) when barely anyone else did. It's obviously just a distance and time conflict, so I don't see why we should be getting hostile towards each other. Things just aren't working out, but its none of our faults.

Anyways, I feel it best to just work on our own (like it seems we are doing now, anyways) and spend our time working, instead of trying to keep up with each other and figuring out when to meet, who does what, etc. There's just too much going against us and we need to just focus on our work.

I would like to thank your group for the help and work we had done thus far, and wish you luck on the rest of your project.

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