Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Meeting and other items

Hello everyone. Today we had a short meeting to talk about what we need to present to the class next Thursday, 4/10. We all wanted to apologize also for not keeping you all from the design class updated on our plans. We have just been focused on the first step of this project, which is presenting the websites and other tools to the class next week.

We will have our class time on Tuesdays (1 p.m.) available to meet with everyone to get the project going in the right direction. I know others in our group are not available prior to this time on Tuesdays. If this time does not work for you next Tuesday for our first in-person meeting, we can try something else. Since it is going to be very hard for 7 people all with busy schedules to find a compatible time, we were also talking about getting on a group chat in AIM or some other system of a chat room to make it easier.

Again, we apologize for the delay of working this out. Maybe everyone can post their names and contact info (phone & email) again in a post to make sure we have everyone down.

Gina Dyke

rdyke at mix.wvu.edu
(571) 296-7093

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