Sunday, March 30, 2008

Meeting and favorite websites

I think the idea of our group representing the everyday life of civilians would be interesting. I'm not really sure where we should be starting with this project, but I know we need to figure out which websites we're going to focus on next week in class. I thought the one about Amsterdam Real Time was interesting and also the one for Walkscore.

To talk about the other aspect of the project, when can everyone meet? Of course I have Tuesday's regular classtime free since we don't meet like normal, but I also have tomorrow available after 3 p.m.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I like that idea a lot. I would prefer to keep the project in a more stylized and dramatic, as opposed to serious and depressing. And above that, I do not, DO NOT, want any political opinions or bias involved or to shine through in any portrayal of events. The use of civilians in various daily situations may be an interesting way to navigate the fine line of partisanship through world politics. To show the daily life, whether it be mundane or deadly, of a population living in a war zone has endless possibilities. Fun stuff.

My initial idea

After giving it some thought, I like the idea of taking the role of Iraqis (just everyday civilians). The concept I've then come up with for an event is that of a public execution (either a firing squad, beheading, or hanging...all of which would obviously be more stylized since we don't have the resources to make it completely realistic), in which people would just be standing around watching, like it's some form of entertainment. I envision setting up cameras on tripods (as well as having some people filming with handheld cameras) and then having people cheering and such. I don't know where it would happen, most likely in a very public area such as in front of the Mountain Lair. That's all I've got thus far.

Let me know what the rest of you think. I don't even know if any of you want to venture in this direction, but such are the woes of working in a group.

Also, we should probably just start commenting on each others blogs instead of making a hundred different blogs. Just to make it easier.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Better Late Than Never

Yeah, I'm Jon. I'm in the group too, I just forgot about posting. Don't worry though because I've still been thinking about ideas, so there's no lost time in that sense. I guess we will be posting tomorrow about ideas? Might as well.

If you guys need me for any reason, my cell is (304) 216-0499.
You can also email me at or (I check both regularly.)

I think this project is going to go pretty well, and I'm interested on getting to work on it, as well as meeting the rest of the group.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Hi everyone!
I'm Liz, from Gerry's class. Here's my contact info, should you need it:
phone: (928) 221-7045

From what I read on here, it looks like we're taking the weekend + Monday to think about the project and to try and come up with some ideas...
that sounds good; I'll look over the project for the next few days and do my best to think of some perspectives that we can take.

new members

hey you all. john and liz from my class have been added to this group. you should hear from one or both of them shortly, once they accept their invitation.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Rachel's Thoughts...

I think this project is pretty awesome. There are so many components involved and ways to explore the objective. I'm super excited. I hope my group is too. We are planning on doing some prelim research this weekend, to see what we're interested in perusing for the next 6 weeks. Man, that's a long time, don't want to pick something that sucks!

I have a buncha friends in the graphics program, hopefully whoever ends up working with us is as cool as they are.

Group 2

We are going to use the weekend gather our thoughts and look over the assignment description to more detail. Our plan is to email one another by Monday to get out our ideas on which role our group should take and other ideas.
Our group has chosen to take until Tuesday to think about what type of group we would like to assume the role as. As of right now, we do not know which role we want to play so we will be doing some preliminary research.